Wednesday, May 1, 2013


   I have close to 1500 miles of driving under my belt in just 7-days...  Avery has raced in two different races, located in Kalamazoo & in Waterford. Some times I feel like we are a hockey family or part of a traveling soccer league. Watching Avery race makes it all worth it! She seems to be getting stronger and better by the day. I have a video from each race made. If you know who Avery is and have been watching her through the last few years, you wont believe how much older and bigger she looks on her bike this year. We are still waiting for the URL from Childrens Hospital. I cant make to big of a deal out of the fund raising efforts for Avery until I have that URL then I can create a hot link on her BLOG. This will allow people to donate accordingly and it will show how much money Avery has earned towards her cause... So here we wait until that email arrives, sorry about the delay.

   On a more serious note, I feel like sharing a personal thought I'm dealing with... Call it a little therapy for myself. I have lost that pressing need to be a paramedic. Running around in the ambulance mopping up the worlds despair is getting old. I feel as if I'm staring at a crossroad in my life. I have always known that being a paramedic was part of what made me tick, and I'm tired of ticking... Dont get me wrong, I am now and will always be a Paramedic, but I need something more. I'm hoping to be back in school real soon and am pursuing a career in Forestry, (DNR or Conservation officer). I will have my Fire Fighting certification, my Paramedic license, and my Law Enforcement Certification... Being a guardian of our wildlife and forestry so that its there for generations to come, sounds a lot more like it. Then I can use my medical skills for those rare emergencies out in the wild, instead of the urban wild life trying to get to me! The possibilities are endless. I would love to move to the U.P. or out of state even, and land a job where I can call my office the great outdoors!!!     STAY TUNED....

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This is the story of Jim Liagre... My father.