Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hi everyone! Avery’s charity/fundraising has begun. Here is how it works: (I hope it's not too confusing!)

     1.   Her fundraiser logo will be just about everywhere we can put it.  Please click on her logo 
      or go directly to her BLOG,

     2.   Please click on her logo –or- on her BLOG, look up top under “Cures for Kids” and click it. Once on the Children’s Hospital Fundraising page, fill out the boxes accordingly.

     3.  When you get down to “Gift Designation please use either Cures for Kids –or- Avery Evans This is very important! If you don’t use one of these two names, then your donations aren’t donated under Avery, they just go to the Children’s Hospital general donation fund.
      The rest is pretty straight forward…  We hope to have some stickers made for her efforts, so she can hand them out. The stickers should be here by mid-summer. Please help us spread the word by copy & pasting her BLOG to your FB page.

REMEMBER TO MAKE SURE YOU ENTER EITHER  “Avery Evans”  -or-  “Cures for Kids” when it under Gift Designation

We thank you all so much for your continued support of Avery and her hard efforts to fulfill her own goals and dreams!

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This is the story of Jim Liagre... My father.